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Fosse Ward - Beat Team Weekly Update

Good evening,


Here is this week's snapshot of how your Fosse Neighbourhood Policing Team have addressed some of the concerns you have raised during recent surveys.




Cannabis Grow Aware Scheme on the Fosse Ward


During 2023 our Neighbourhood Team sat down to discuss a long term problem in our area, Cannabis Grows. Whilst the team for years would complete the usual intelligence gathering and door smashing action it was apparent that there were too many addresses being used illegally and something needed to change. Through our plan we liaised with the Council’s Selective Licensing Team to target the Landlords who were neglecting their duties to check their properties whilst also targeting those who were aware of what was going on in their buildings. The Council would place a prohibition order on properties to ensure they could not be used until they were proved by Landlords to the Council to be suitable (and legal) for living in. Our team removed over 40 Cannabis Grows from the Fosse Ward in 2023 and we seized 6661 plants, which is roughly £4.5 million worth of Cannabis from the streets, with over 30 arrests being made and we helped provide housing for 13 new families. We recently visited our Force Headquarters to present our plan and its results and promote its use in other areas who were struggling with the same issues, where we were presented with an award for the best Project Management Plan! We hope that our plan can help others achieve the same results and remove criminals to replace with new neighbours for concerned residents. And please do not worry! We are always still digging for information about new Cannabis grows to target so if you believe you see anything suspicious, please do call us through 101 or report on Neighbourhood Link to us and we will take a look. This work could not have been done without keen eyed residents providing information to us from the very streets we patrol, so give yourselves a pat on the pack too!






Anti-Social Behaviour on the Fosse Ward

What we’ve done: We’ve been dealing with various reports of youths committing Anti-Social Behaviour on the Fosse Ward in the last month, at shops along Fosse Road North and ALDI. While some of these youths are known to us, we have been working with neighbouring areas utilising CCTV and witnesses to identify the rest and we have been visiting these children at home to speak with them in front of their parents who were definitely not happy about what they had been up to! We will continue to patrol these areas and deal with repeat offenders using our incremental approach, first offenders will receive advice/warnings but if they repeat, they may find themselves on an Acceptable Behaviour Contract!




Vehicle Crime on the Fosse Ward

What we’ve done: We have been seeing an increase in the number of reports to us about vehicles being broken into, having number plates stolen or damage caused to them. Please ensure you do not leave your parked vehicles unlocked and definitely do not leave valuables such as phones, tablets, expensive clothing or loose change left lying around in view as opportunistic thieves will target vehicles with these left out! You may also wish to make sure you have CCTV covering your property, this way if you do suffer any issues it will speed up the process for us to identify any offenders and possibly link reports from different sections of our areas, just ensure you do not point any cameras directly at any neighbours windows or gardens! 




Any concerns or questions please reply and it will notify us!

Have a safe week!


-PCSO Robbie and the Fosse Ward Beat Team.

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Message Sent By
Robbie Corlett
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6585, West Leicester)

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