Neighbourhood Watch
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Succession Planning for Co-ordinators

The National Neighbourhood Watch Network has asked all local neighbourhood watch organisations to look at succession planning. This is to cater for Co-ordinators leaving due to illness or moving outside the area covered by that organisation. We would appreciate it if you could talk to members of your watch and find out if anyone would be happy to be your deputy, with a view to taking over from you if you were unable to carry on in this position.

We appreciate that this is not always easy to do, but would ask that you do your best to try to get others involved in the day to day running of your watch.

If you are successful in finding someone, please email us with the details so we have on record the person who would take over when you decide to leave.

Many thanks,

The Committee CBNWA

www.cbnwa.com nhw@cbnwa.com Registered Charity number 1087760 Phone 07454 573 453

Address: CBNWA c/o Croydon Fire Station, 90 Old Town, CR0 1AR


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Paul Voden
(NWN, MSA, London, Croydon)

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