With the winter upon us when defrosting your vehicle especially in cold weather, its important to avoid leaving the keys in the car for safety and security reasons. It can make you vulnerable to theft or other crimes. Her are some tips for defrosting efficiently without compromising your vehicle. STAY WITH YOUR CAR: Never leave your car unattended while its running and defrosting, even if you're just stepping inside to warm up. A running car is a tempting target for thieves. LOCK YOUR VEHICLE: If you need to briefly step away to gather items like your coat or gloves, always lock the doors while the car is running and the defrost is on. AVOID LEAVING VALUABLES IN THE CAR: Don't leave visible valuables like bags, electronics, or expensive items inside the car. Thieves are opportunistic and often target cars with visible valuables. USE REMORT START: If your car is equipped with a remote start feature, use it to warm up the car without leaving the house. This way, your not physically present but can monitor the car from inside your home. PARK IN A WELL LIT, SECURE AREA: Whenever possible , park in a well lit, busy area or secure garage. Thieves are less likely t target car in areas with a lot of foot traffic or surveillance cameras. BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDING: As you defrost your car, stay alert to any suspicious activity around you. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, don't hesitate to call authorities or move to a safer location. INVEST IN CAR SECURITY FEATURE: Consider installing an anti-theft system like an alarm, steering lock, or GPS tracking device, especially if your car is a high theft target. By staying vigilant and following these tips, you can reduce your risk of being a victim of crime while defrosting your car in winter. |