The Police
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Attempted theft of vehicle

Good afternoon residents of Fylde


On Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at 01:45 hours in the morning, two males dressed all in black have attempted to steal a high value vehicle from a residential estate in Clifton Village.

Thankfully, the owner had locked and secured his vehicle. The two suspects arrived on a very loud scooter/moped/motorbike. This disturbed the owner of the car, who managed to see off the suspects, who made away from the area towards Preston.

There have been no further incidents reported around this time and date.

I spent a lot of time obtaining evidence yesterday. If anybody has any information or CCTV footage relating to this incident, that we do not already know about, please contact PC 6885 Unsworth of Fylde Neighbourhood Policing team, attached to Kirkham Police Station.

Please can we also take this opportunity to remind all our residents to lock and secure their vehicles and properties, remove all valuables from sight and not make it easy for thieves who may come into our area.


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Message Sent By
Jan Unsworth
(Police officer, PC, Fylde Community Beat Manager)

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