
Sharing Neighbourhood Alert with Police Forces and Neighbourhood Watch around the country

VISAV’s Neighbourhood Alert communication tool was developed during 2008/9 and went live in 2010 with our first licensee, Leicestershire Police, and their branding of Neighbourhood Link.

Since this time, we have sponsored and spoken at many conferences held by our stakeholders, plus hosted our own. The following images give an overview of many of these.

Autumn 2024

We are delighted to be hosting this year’s Neighbourhood Alert Development Board Summit taking place on the 18th and 19th November at the Nottingham Belfry.

Click for details of the details of the event!

Autumn 2023

The National Community Engagement Conference was hosted by Neighbourhood Alert and Humberside Police

Click here to see details of the event and here to view the conference brochure.

March 2022

We were delighted to return to hosting an in-person conference on 25th March 2022 at the Nottingham Belfry. Many of our delegates joined us for drinks and dinner the night before followed by Roulette and Blackjack, spending the Bank of Neighbourhood Alert money!

Yet again, we were supported by many of the organisations that successfully use Neighbourhood Alert. They presented working examples of evidence led engagement and registrations leading to representative communication with local communities.

Click to view the conference agenda for details of the presentations and click the conference page to read more about the event and view the presentations.

Spring 2021

Neighbourhood Alert Virtual Conference

On Thursday the 18th of March, the Alert Virtual Conference took place via Microsoft Teams (due to the pandemic situation). With the help of our amazing partners, we were able to provide at least some of the excitement and thought-provoking content that our event usually brings.

You can view the conference presentation videos for the day by clicking here.

Spring 2019

Spring 2019 we were invited to speak at the Police’s National Conference: Local Policing, held in Hinckley and we sponsored the Common Ground Conference for Nottinghamshire Neighbourhood Watch (NottsWatch®). You can see details of the NottsWatch® conference here, including Mike Douglas' presentation.

October 2018

Following on from our successful 2017 conference we held a Networking & Best Practice Conference on 10 October 2018 at the Park Inn in Nottingham.

November 2017

VISAV Ltd. then started planning for our Community Messaging Conference, held at St James Hotel in Nottingham during November 2017.

January 2017

January 2017 we were invited to present at the Police ICT Summit and later hosted an Origins Workshop in the February.

September 2016

VISAV hosted the Intelligent Policing Conference on 23 September 2016, where we presented a range of awards to the police and neighbourhood Watch volunteers.

VISAV Managing Director, Andrew Sawford, presenting the Community Ambassador Award to Derek Pratt, Deputy Chair & Secretary for Sussex Neighbourhood Watch Federation.

Mike Douglas, Product Director of VISAV Ltd. Presenting at the Intelligent Policing Conference on 23 September 2016.

Mike Douglas, Product Director of VISAV Ltd. Presenting at the Intelligent Policing Conference on 23 September 2016.

March 2016

VISAV Ltd were the Diamond Sponsors for the Crimestoppers National Conference in March 2016 - The Changing Face of Crime.

Product Director, Mike Douglas, of VISAV Ltd. presenting at Crimestoppers: The Changing Face of Crime Conference, March 2016.

Nick Houghton, Web Designer, Qamar Sheikh, Security Director and Andrew Sawford, Managing Director of VISAV Ltd. at Crimestoppers: The Changing Face of Crime Conference, March 2016.

Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner, Paddy Tipping, at Crimestoppers: The Changing Face of Crime Conference, March 2016.

June 2015

Product Director, Mike Douglas, at Scotland’s Neighbourhood Watch Parliamentary Reception in June 2015.