VISAV Valuing MSAs
In short, a Multi Scheme Administrator (MSA) is a volunteer administrator who is granted access to a set of Neighbourhood Watch scheme management tools in order to manage more than one Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) scheme to keep the details on the schemes up to date.But who are the people who would give many hours to their communities and to support their local police forces and, in many cases, do so much more? Scroll down and read about the supportive community work some of our Top MSAs are involved with.
Currently over 300 volunteer MSAs support Neighbourhood Alert, to varying degrees, and we (VISAV) regularly show our appreciation as we have shown below. Mostly recently following Team GB’s brilliant success at the Tokyo Olympics.

Christmas 2020 we sent gifts to our most active MSAs and have received thank you emails (as below).
"Many thanks for the chocolates for Christmas it is very much appreciated. My wife and I will enjoy them. As I have said on many occasions your service and Alert database is PERFECT! I find it very useful and probably due to lack of knowledge I use 45% of the features. Your service to us (directly) is brilliant and the database is exactly what I need to keep on top of things as it is so busy at the moment.)
You may not know but I sold computer systems all over the world for 25 years, so I know what it is like working in a company like yours.
So, on behalf of ECNWA may we wish you a good Christmas and a safer 2021."
- Clive Stewart
Chairman and Secretary
Essex County Neighbourhood Watch Association
You may not know but I sold computer systems all over the world for 25 years, so I know what it is like working in a company like yours.
So, on behalf of ECNWA may we wish you a good Christmas and a safer 2021."
- Clive Stewart
Chairman and Secretary
Essex County Neighbourhood Watch Association
"Wishing you and the VISAV team well for Christmas and the New Year!! Hope you enjoy a safe and healthy break. Just wanted to add a thank you for the chocs gift which arrived yesterday. It is very thoughtful."
- Nick King
Northamptonshire Neighbourhood Watch Association
- Nick King
Northamptonshire Neighbourhood Watch Association
"Thank you so much for this unexpected and really delicious gift. It is so kind of you to acknowledge my effort in this way and much appreciated. I will of course work twice as hard next year!!
- Mary Shead
Devon & Cornwall Neighbourhood Watch
- Mary Shead
Devon & Cornwall Neighbourhood Watch
"A package containing two Christmas selection packs has just arrived from you.
Very many thanks.
Best regards"
- Geoff Pegg
High Wycombe Neighbourhood Watch
Very many thanks.
Best regards"
- Geoff Pegg
High Wycombe Neighbourhood Watch
"Thank you and I wish you also a Happy Christmas too.
Best wishes ."
- Val McPherson BEM
Thames Valley Neighbourhood Watch
Best wishes ."
- Val McPherson BEM
Thames Valley Neighbourhood Watch
"Thank you for the unexpected gift, much appreciated.
May I wish you and your staff a Happy Christmas and all the very best for a happier New Year."
- Christine MacKenzie/NHW Area Support
East Northamptonshire Neighbourhood Watch
May I wish you and your staff a Happy Christmas and all the very best for a happier New Year."
- Christine MacKenzie/NHW Area Support
East Northamptonshire Neighbourhood Watch
"Thanks for the festive gift you sent up Mike. Really appreciated.
Please pass on our best wishes to all the team at VISAV and hope you all have a good and safe Xmas.
Here's to a better and exciting 2021."
- Willie Clark
Neighbourhood Watch Scotland
To be timely with the national Neighbourhood Watch Week 2020 we sent out a gift along with a thank you letter and NHW cards to distribute in their neighbourhoods. We also invited many of our top 100 to share how they originally got involved, and why, and what their volunteering journey looks like. We hope that you find their stories as inspiring as we do. Please pass on our best wishes to all the team at VISAV and hope you all have a good and safe Xmas.
Here's to a better and exciting 2021."
- Willie Clark
Neighbourhood Watch Scotland

Geoff Pegg, SCAMBassador and Director of Operations of Wycombe District Neighbourhood Watch Association

And when I asked Geoff why he devotes so many hours to this role, he answered, “I have thoroughly enjoyed my 22 years in NHW...
Martin Stilwell, Chairman of Woking NHW

Clive Stewart, Chairman & Secretary, Essex County Neighbourhood Watch Association

This way we can make contact to “approve” their membership and give them support with items and funding as appropriate e.g. Streets signs, wheelie bin stickers, members guides, window stickers, local newsletters.
Lynn Farrar, Chair, Derbyshire Neighbourhood Watch Association Trust

Kevin Evans, MSA East Cambridgeshire

In our district, Neighbourhood Watch was run for many years by a retired police sergeant. He resigned without warning in late 2007 and passed his files to me. I quickly established an executive committee for the district, and one of our prime objectives was to increase the coverage of neighbourhood watch within East Cambridgeshire which had recently dropped to 87 registered coordinators.
Angela Money BEM, Chair of Newbury South West Neighbourhood Action Group/Community Forum

Angela was self-employed offering Secretarial and Administrative Services from home and working on contracts at local companies. She joined Thames Valley Police in 2003 as a Neighbourhood Watch Administrator working at Newbury Police Station and in 2007 decided to retire.
Alan (Community Alert Volunteer)

He told us, “I used to go into a Local Station as a volunteer doing anything that's required from filing to computer work but with restrictions in place and my age have been unable to do that (and orders from my daughters).
Community Alert came about because my Police Supt. daughter, Jenny, thought it would be something for me to do in a station, if there was nothing else that needed doing and I could do it at home and it didn't affect paid people. I like spending time on the computer, so it is ideal for me.
Derek Pratt, Deputy Chair for Sussex Neighbourhood Watch Association

Brian Adams, MSA in Basingstoke

I'm also on the local Neighbourhood Watch Association committee where we have our own website & coordinator database.
Gill (Derbyshire MSA)

Each member can respond to the message I have sent, giving valuable help and information on such things as scams. Police, the Police Crime Commissioner, and Action Fraud also send out Alerts providing a network of crime prevention advice.”
Colleen Atkins (Bedford MSA)

When I was the first national chair in 1995, I introduced it as a national event and so I’m delighted it’s still going strong across the whole country.
Jane Brown, South Buckinghamshire MSA

Using information from the many contacts I have made over the years, I am able to share crime awareness, crime prevention advice and updates from the police.
For me it is all about Care, Community & Communication.
Janet Chapman, MSA & Vice Chair of the Greater Manchester Association

Robin Sutton, Chair of Cambridgeshire NW

Willie Clarke, Neighbourhood Watch Scotland SCIO

Val McPherson, MSA Thames Valley


VISAV Ltd would like to thank all our volunteer MSAs for their valued contribution to keeping the Neighbourhood Alert database up to date and for the important messages they send to their communities to keep their neighbours aware of local crime and scams.
The MSA role is described on the Ourwatch website. If you are interested in becoming an MSA, contact your local Neighbourhood Watch Association.

"The Central Support Team and I are hugely grateful for the great work that the MSA’s undertake to keep the local information on members, schemes and coordinators up to date on the Alert system. On top of this many MSA’s are key to the passing on of messages about local crime and other issues to their local communities. Without you the system would not work and we will continue to do our best to support you with training, problem solving and support both locally and centrally. Basically a big thank you to all the MSA’s."
- John Hayward-Cripps, NWN CEO