Survey Tool
System Overview
Much improved: The survey facility built within V4 is light years ahead of the V3 option and we continually receive praise about how flexible and simple it is to use.
No need for additional questions: The Alert survey will already know members locations so you can strip away annoying and superfluous questions (like address and force area etc) for members, it can add those in for people who want to do the survey anonymously.
Missed registrations: You still have the ability to offer an anonymous survey with Alert but it can be an option at the start/end to enable anyone that sees the survey on social media and via a link to register. This will help grow the database etc.
Better Link: Rather than a Survey Monkey link which many know to be a dubious service designed to gather and sell data, you could be educating and practicing safer online behaviour by using the police approved and totally secure Alert platform.
Missed opportunities to update profiles: If you are getting people to do a survey, with alert we could automatically update their profile based on the answers they give. This would work for automatic things like “engagement levels” and “sign of life” but could also be related to specific questions you could add such as “Do you need help with xxx” or “I have a CCTV camera” etc.
No follow up option: Alert has a really powerful feature built in to it which enables you to send a personalised follow up message JUST to people who have not done the survey yet. Our national survey this year had 84,000+ completions, half on V3 and half on V4. The chart below highlights the impact of the follow up message, you can clearly see exactly when the follow up messages were sent (chart is just showing V4 completions). This is so much more impactful and professional than a message to everyone saying “if you have not done it yet”.

Our survey tool, known as ‘Community View’, helps the police to gain a real-time understanding of opinions from any community group you choose, by seamlessly incorporating Experian’s Mosaic data. Your force has a genuine opportunity to influence that view and robustly measure the extent of your success.
View the overview presentation
Record Response Rates
Intelligent questioning technology ensures that the public have every chance to respond, giving a reminder to those who have not responded. Questions go to active citizens, people who really care about their community and influence others to improve response rates.
Representative Opinions
Using geodemographic segmentation data, such as Mosaic, automatically ensures you are asking questions to all sections of any community you choose, including neighbourhood beat area, ward, city or county.
Designed for the Public Sector
- Custom logos & colours
- Segments the public sector on responses
- Real-time management info
- Unlimited questions & sample size
- Unlimited users within the fee
- Representative sample of the community
- Respondent's location populated
- Automated profile enhancement
- Works seamlessly with partners
- Real-time results to the frontline
- Follow up non-respondents
- Include a question with a message
Cost Savings
Public sector organisations have enjoyed up to 75% savings from their existing budgets for survey and engagement questions.
Action Fraud recently used Community View to send out a Home Office survey to help educate people around cyber-crime. We had great success, with over a 20% response rate and over 53,000 people replying within the first month. This represented the best response we have ever had to a survey. Community View will form a fundamental part of our engagement plans for the foreseeable future.
Evlambios Christophi, Communications & Digital Manager City of London Police (Action Fraud)
View the 2018 "How are we doing" survey results here
Survey Tool Results
Has being on the system motivated you to be more active in crime prevention and community safety within your own environment or local community?

Do you find it easier to spot a scam since being on the Alert system?

Has receiving Action Fraud messages changed your behaviour around how you protect yourself against fraud?

Click here to review the 101 survey process