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What’s been happening in Cheylesmore?

Here’s a quick round up from me of the Willenhall/Binley, Cheylesmore & Earlsdon Neighbourhood Team 


What’s been happening in Cheylesmore?


 Good afternoon! I hope you’re all well. 

Here’s a short roundup of our set.


PCSO Emily BIRCH 31367.


Motor Vehicle Offences.  


This week we have seen x1 Interference with a motor vehicle and x2 Theft of a motor vehicle


  • On 26/10/2024 at approx. 21:16hrs, x2 unknown offenders have attended a property on Orchard Crescent in a beige Citroen C3 VRM: YC71 MYH. They have used a relay device to gain entry to a Range Rover however they have been disturbed and made off in the Citroen. 

  • Between 18:00hrs on 27/10/24 and 18:00hrs on 29/10/24, unknown offenders have approached a Ford Galaxy left parked and secured on Abbey Road, gained access by unknown means and stolen the vehicle. 

  • Between 19:00hrs on 26/10/2024 and 12:00hrs on 30/10/2024, a silver Ford Mondeo was stolen by unknown means on Calder Close. The vehicle was thought to be not working as it had broken down.




    Please ensure you remove any items and valuables from your vehicle when leaving, particularly overnight and when in remote locations. Opportunists have no regard for value. In the past we have even seen break ins to vehicles for small change left in the centre console – so please ensure you remove everything. 


    We are looking into a number of lines of enquiry in regards to the crimes mentioned above, including looking at CCTV evidence, Dash Cam footage as well as speaking to key witnesses who may have important and helpful information to assist us. If you have any information regarding the above please don’t hesitate to contact us on 101 or using Live Chat. This can be done anonymously if you wish.


    Some security measures you might consider for your vehicles;


  • Anti-theft screws on VRM plates to prevent them from being removed/stolen. 
  • Remove all belongings from your vehicles including, electronics, valuables and even small change.
  • Do not keep tools or other valuables inside your vehicle overnight or whilst unattended. 
  • Keep your car keys in a faraday pouch; these prevent the signal being read/cloned/exploited.
  • A disk lock or crook lock to disable your steering wheel. These are both visual and physical deterrents. 
  • Get a cage fitted around the catalytic converter.
  • Write on vehicles and valuables with SmartWater. This makes them easily identifiable if stolen and recovered.

    CCTV and witness statements are being reviewed and we encourage anyone who may have information to call us on 101, webchat, or email the team direct at binleyandwillenhall@westmidlands.police.uk




    Over the past week we have seen x1 Burglary - Business And Community and x1 Residential burglary of a home


  • Between 00:00hrs on 28/10/24 and 08:00hrs on 29/10/24, unknown offender has gained entry to a business premises on Wheler Road. Various electrical items were stolen including cameras, laptops, hard-drives and camera lenses totalling over £11,000.

  • On 27/10/2024 at approx. 11:44hrs, unknown offenders have broken into a property on Tonbridge Road by breaking the rear door window. Nothing was stolen and offenders made off. 



    The team have been conducting regular late night patrols to disrupt potential opportunistic offenders and deter crime. However, enquiries and investigations are also ongoing in relation to previously reported burglaries.


    Although the team will continue their strategic patrols aimed to prevent and disrupt, there are some things you can also do to deter potential burglars;


  • Close and lock all doors and windows when leaving your property and overnight.
  • Secure all outbuildings.
  • Property, door and window alarms are an effective deterrent.
  • Physical security measures like extra locks, chain locks, sash locks etc.
  • Cameras and CCTV. These are not just a deterrent, they also provide us with a line of enquiry in identifying offenders should something happen to your property.
  • Do not leave valuables in sight when leaving the property and overnight. Close curtains and blinds as opportunistic thieves and burglars may choose to take advantage.

    If you see any suspicious behaviour, please report to us via 101, Live Chat, or if an emergency 999.




    Anti-Social Behaviour 


    With the warmer weather approaching, we are seeing an increase in reports of anti-social behaviour particularly from younger individuals and groups, off-road bikes etc. The Neighbourhood Team are aware of these issues and will do what we can to take positive action against these nuisances.


    We are aware of ongoing ASB in the blocks of flats on Charminster Drive, Rotherham House, Earlsdon Street, Asda London Road, Asda Daventry Road, Airport Retail Park, aswell as other various areas and properties, and we are taking positive action against this. I will be conducting various joint visits with partner agencies this week to problem addresses that cause ongoing issues for residents and repeat demand.

    The team are continuing to patrol our usual ASB hotspots and have seen a reduction in incidents when doing so, as well as responding to any new incidents. We are also aware of a number of problem individuals causing regular issues. We have conducted home visits on a number of people so far and we continue our efforts in identifying others.




    We are aware of the beggars on Earlsdon high street, the Co-Op, One Stop, Airport Retail Park, McDonalds, Asda, Sainsbury’s and Lidl. West Midlands Police have repeatedly offered help and signposted them to various agencies who can assist them. We advise not to give them money or goods as this only serves to fund their addictions. They do have support from various agencies (including offers of rooms/a bed) and this will only encourage the ongoing anti-social behaviour that we consistently get reports and complaints about. Some even have their own properties.


    We understand that this behaviour can be intimidating and we still continue to regularly patrol these hotspots. Some individuals have Community Protection Notices in place due to their behaviour, so please don’t hesitate to report this to us if you are affected or see this happening. 


    We continue to record any breaches of conditions for those that have Community Protection Notices and will enforce these in order to protect the public from their behaviour. 




    PACT Meetings (Police and Communities Together)


    PACT (Police and Communities Together) is a partnership meeting which gives you the opportunity to regularly meet with your local Neighbourhood Policing Team, local councillors and other local partners, and raise any community issues.


    We use these meetings to find out what the issues are in the community and to answer questions from residents with the aim to tackle crime and community safety concerns at a local level. These meetings are your opportunity to raise your community priorities and concerns, receive crime prevention advice and receive updates on what the NPT and councillors have been doing to address the priorities and concerns raised at the previous meeting.


    The meetings provide communities a forum to influence what happens in their neighbourhood and facilitates partnership working between local agencies and residents.


    Upcoming meetings;


  • Friday 8th November 2024
  • 18:00hrs 

    Earlsdon Methodist Church


    These are your opportunities to talk to us about what’s important to you and what’s going on in your area.


    We’d love to see you there.


    Thank you for all your continued support.  



    PCSO Emily BIRCH 31367.

    Binley, Willenhall, Cheylesmore & Earlsdon NHT.



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    Message Sent By
    Emily Birch
    (Police, PCSO, Binley & Willenhall)

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