The Police
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Please be aware if you have an external mail box, we have received a report regarding fraudsters taking the mail to obtain your identity, they will then apply for a credit card using your details. 

The possibility is they will then try and retrieve the card from the mail box when it arrives.

The bank have confirmed they would set up an account, on request if the contact details were correct and there was an adequate credit score.

Any attempted fraud report it immediately to ACTION FRAUD on 0300 123 2040 please note this number will be charged at your normal network rate.

Action Fraud will never call you unless you have requested a call, and will never ask for your bank details. 

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Message Sent By
Karen Blakemore
(West Mercia, PCSO, Meole Copthorne and Sutton Safer Neighbourhood Team)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials