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Anti Social Behaviour

This week is Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness week, a national event to encourage Communities to take a stand against all forms of ASB.

Some in our communities, link ASB to young people gathering in areas, being disruptive or causing other issues. Although this may be part of the picture it is fair to say that locally we also deal with adult ASB Including vehicles issues, neighbour disputes, drunken behaviour, verbal abuse harassment, intimidation to name a few.

Anti-social behaviour has an impact on people’s quality of life and can significantly affect the health of victims both mentally and physically.

The Neighbourhood Policing Team take this type of behaviour seriously. We will engage with all parties involved in the ASB and work with partner agencies including Teignbridge district council (ASB officer) social Housing providers, and home builders to identify and reduce all forms of ASB wherever they occur be it rural or Urban.

With our partners we will use a step-by-step process to identify ways of reducing tensions including, increasing Police patrols, use of mediation between parties, use of ASB legislation and civil law, and where necessary (and the threshold has been met) criminal law.

We encourage anyone seeing or being a victim of anti-social behaviour to report it to the Police by using the report button on the front page of the Devon and Cornwall Police website, (https://www.devon-cornwall.police) by calling 101 or visiting the nearest Police enquiry office.

People can take part in an ongoing community survey and let us know their views on local ASB issues, and local policing in general. Visit News Article - Devon & Cornwall Police to take the Devon & Cornwall Police community survey.





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Message Sent By
Paul Wilson
(Devon & Cornwall Police, PCSO, South Devon)

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