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Introductions - PC Gary Fenwick

Good Morning,

I hope you are all well.

Whilst I have been the Broughton Park NBO (Neighbourhood Beat Officer) for around 6 months, and on the wider Broughton/North Salford team for 2 years, I have just started using Bee In The Loop so thought I would introduce myself. 

I am PC Gary Fenwick and my collar number is 17705. The best way to contact me is via email at 17705@gmp.police.uk.

In the coming weeks and months I am hoping to start monthly in person meetings that will be advertised on here and also in the community. If anyone has any access to a space where they can be held or has any ideas of one that can be used I would be grateful if you get in touch with me either via Bee In The Loop of via email. These meetings will be a mixture of drop ins where you can come and ask for advise or bring questions. Along with more structured meetings where I will talk about local priorities and issue and what we are doing to address them.

Finally, I am hoping to increase the number of people using Bee In The Loop in the area, from the 33 currently signed up. So if you have friends and family who would in interested in receiving updates from me please make them aware and ask them to sign up.

Thanks for taking the time to read this message and I look forward to meeting some of you soon, if I have not already.

Kind Regards,


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Message Sent By
Gary Fenwick
(Police, Constable, Salford North East - Broughton Park)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials