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Pulling over for emergency vehicles on blue lights

Please try not to panic.

If you encounter a 999 vehicle with blue light and sirens, you should

* Move over- If there is a safe place to stop, pull over to the left to allow the emergency vehicle to pass.

* Slow down- Try to manoeuvre to the side of the road and then slow down to a stop.

* Avoid bus lanes- Leave bus lanes clear for emergency vehicles.


Emergency vehicles are exempt from many road traffic laws when using blue lights and sirens. This includes;     

* Disregarding the speed limit.

* Passing on the wrong side of a “Keep left” sign.

* Treating a red light as a “give way ” sign.


It is also an offence to obstruct an emergency service crew while they are responding to an emergency This can result in a fine.                                                                                                                                                                                 

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Message Sent By
Alison Nowicki
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Staffordshire Moorlands)

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