The Police
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Cross Hills Safer Neighbourhood Team would like to wish you all a Happy New Year for 2025.

New Years Eve is a busy time of year for all the Emergency Services, and this year will be no exception. There are plenty of  lively locations to visit in the area, and lots of new and old small businesses that will be looking forward to welcoming the New Year in with their customers !! 

Drive safely !  Or better still, leave the car keys at home if you are heading out for drinks - remember our Christmas Drink Drive Campaign is still up and running, but more importantly, we want everyone to get home safely !

The 999/101 services will be busy, so if its not an emergency please consider contacting us via email, either via the Community Messaging Service or  the North Yorkshire police website.


Anne & Tina 

PC 1389 Anne Jefferson

PCSO 6610 Tina Cardamone






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Message Sent By
Anne Jefferson
(Police, PC, Craven)

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