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Burbage Police Newsletter January 2025 And Short Update.

Hello Resident,


Welcome to 2025. We hope you continue to find our updates informative and useful. Below is the Newsletter for January 2025.


Over recent days in Burbage, Police have responded to calls such as safeguarding concerns, Assaults and road traffic incidents (no injuries).


Report of a residential Burglary on Sapcote Road where suspects have entered a property whilst the residents were away. Entry gained by smashing the front side window, car keys for a Mini and Jewellery taken. The vehicle was then taken. The incident occurred on Sapcote Road near the Aston Flamville Road junction. It is suspected the incident happened around 21:00 on the night of the 31st of December.


If you saw anything suspicious or have any information, please pop me an email to darren.stretton@leics.police.uk 


Please consider light timers, steering locks, window alarms, and ask neighbours to support with post/curtains etc if you are going away for a few days. Please remove or hide any valuable such as jewellery before you go away.     


Here is a summary of crime and Local policing activity for December in Burbage. 

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Burbage Police Newsletter January 2025

Issue: Winter Update January 2025


A group of police officers standing in front of a car

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Your dedicated Neighbourhood Team for Burbage. Sgt James Cross, PCSO Darren Stretton and PC Josh Symonds. Leicestershire Police website 

Burbage | Your area | Leicestershire Police | Leicestershire Police

Welcome to our monthly update for the residents and communities of the Burbage Neighbourhood Policing Area. This newsletter will be circulated on a regular basis and will provide an insight into what is happening at the NPA.

#YouSaid - What matters to you

We have listened to you and the concerns you raised and prioritised the following: Below are our new priorities which we will be actioning this month.  

Priority 1: Road Safety 

You Said – With a recent increase in Road Traffic Collisions only the main arterial routes such as the A5 through our beat, the community are rightly concerned about road safety across the area. We recognise that with the winter weather set to continue for a couple of months, this will make driving conditions more hazardous requiring road users to be more considerate and careful when using the roads across the area. 

Priority 2: Residential Burglary

You Said – Residential Burglaries is a priority for those living in the Burbage area. With the evenings remaining darker than they do in the summer residents continue to fear being a victim of Burglary. Properties in Burbage are seen as more appealing and historically the area has a higher number of reported break ins than neighbouring areas such as Hinckley, Barwell and Earl Shilton. 

Priority 3: Vehicle Crime

You Said – Vehicle crime has always been a concern of the residents of Burbage, recently more of you have been getting in touch to report suspicious activity linked to possible theft of motor vehicles. In addition, historically January & February have seen an increase in thefts of vehicles particularly Range Rovers or similar. 

#WeDid - What we are doing

  • During December, there were 3 reports of residential burglary which occurred over the nights of the 7th and 8th of December. Items targeted include Jewellery and one may have been vehicle related. Other than this Speight, the only concerns have been repeated issues at building sites where new fittings are being targeted, particularly the Lutterworth Road site. We continue to complete patrols, stop checks, arrests have been made, and we have completed home visits, and completed target hardening in areas that were previously victims of residential burglary. As we continue with the darker nights, we are visiting residents and supporting with crime reduction items such as light timers and window alarms as requested.  
  • Reports of vehicle crime has been minimal during December. One report of theft of an Audi on Coventry road where suspects gained entry to the property for the keys. We also received a report of suspects entering a garage at 03:15, Police attended and 4 suspects have been arrested. We have also seen issues where “buyers” have taken vehicles for test drives and not returned. Please be mindful of this regardless of what you are selling online, as scams and criminal activity is always a possibility when selling or buying online. If you keep vans or work vehicles, please be mindful around potential theft of vehicle, fuel thefts and theft from (tools). These types of vehicles can be easy targets.   
  • Reports of Anti-social Behaviour have been minimal. No issues reported relating to schools/youths and no reports over Christmas relating to pubs/alcohol issues, which is very good. We will be linking in with Schools upon their return regarding any concerns raised over the holidays and we will be completing some work around inconsiderate parking.

Meet your Team - Upcoming public engagements

Below are our community engagement events for January. Feel free to pop along and meet your local beat team.

Three Pots Post Office Beat surgery, Monday 20th January, 15:00-16:00

If you would like any crime reduction support, please email Darren.stretton@leics.police.uk 

Follow our channels for the latest updates


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Thank you and take care. 


Burbage Beat Team.


It is really useful is you RATE, SHARE or PRINT this message. You can also REPLY directly to me if you wish to communicate with me. 


Details in these messages are based on information we have at the time of writing. Details can change as investigations progress. We raise awareness around local concerns which may be of community concern where appropriate, in order to reduce crime, raise awareness and support investigations. 


We need your help to keep our phone lines clear for emergencies. If your call isn't an emergency, see if the information or service you need is on our website  www.leics.police.uk.  before you call 101. You can use our website to report crimes or incidents at a time convenient for you.

We urge you to call 999 in an emergency - if you or someone else are in immediate danger, or a crime is in progress.

Please do not report crime or Incidents via 'Neighbourhood Link' as the messages are not always monitored.



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Message Sent By
Darren Stretton
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6035, Hinckley and Blaby)

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