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Beat Priorities - Quarterly Review.

Good afternoon,


I hope you have all had a fantastic and safe time over Christmas and New Year!


A quarterly review of the Rural North beat priorities has taken place yesterday and I just wanted to update you that for the time being, they will be remaining the same. 


As it stands, the Melton Rural North Beats 3 main priorities are as follows:


- Rural Crime/Agricultural Theft.

- Safety on your roads

- Vehicle targeted crime


Beat priorities are of course not the only area we target but through community consultations, social media, Neighbourhood Link Surveys and much more, it has been highlighted that these are the areas that matter most to you. 


Stay safe all, 


PC 4252 Dan Daley - Rural North Beat Officer.

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Message Sent By
Dan Daley
(Leicestershire Police, PC 4252, Melton and Rutland)

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