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Seizure of SORN Vehicle

Seizure of SORN Vehicle


On Saturday 4th January 2025, PC LAKIN and PCSO RICE were on patrol in Pershore and witnessed a SORN vehicle being driven on a public highway. 


The driver was unable to prove the vehicle was taxed and they were unable to tax the vehicle, therefore, the vehicle has subsequently been seized as it was notified off road. The driver was given suitable words of advice regarding future usage of vehicles.


If you have any issues regarding un-taxed vehicles in your area, we would encourage residents to report them to the DVLA via their online reporting system.


for more information, please visit: 

Vehicles without vehicle tax or MOT certificates | West Mercia Police


Please remember, If you have any concerns you would like to raise with Pershore Town Safer Neighbourhood Team you can contact us on pershoretown.snt@westmercia.police.uk.

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Message Sent By
Shaquille Lakin
(West Mercia Police, Safer Neighbourhood Constable, Pershore Town)

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