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Weather warning

Weather Warning

With weather forecasters reporting a growing risk of wintry hazards, including frost and snow, we’ve compiled some handy tips for navigating the cold weather.


Staying warm and healthy


Multiple thin layers of clothing will give you better protection from the cold than a single thick garment, as the layers trap air between them.

Wear gloves or mittens and a hat while outside. Try to stay dry – if you do get wet, change into dry clothes as soon as you can.

If the ground is icy, try to walk like a penguin – take short steps and keep your centre of gravity over your front foot. This helps lower your risk of slipping.

Driving safely

Vehicles should be checked daily, including checks on the wheels, lights and windscreen wash.

Icy paths and driveways can be thawed using kitchen salt or cat litter.

If it is snowing, has snowed or the roads are icy, try to leave home a bit earlier than usual – you don’t want to be in a rush on slippery roads.

Make sure your car is fully de-iced and demisted before you set off.

Moving off in second gear will help to reduce wheel slip in snow or ice.


Looking after our communities


People who are elderly or otherwise vulnerable can be at a greater risk of illness or injury during periods of very cold weather. Where possible, please try to be extra vigilant to their needs and provide support and advice where necessary.

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Message Sent By
Malcolm Pelham
(GMP, PCSO, A relief, my beat is Higher Crumpsall)

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