The Police
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Mansfield Neighbourhood Policing Newsletter

Good Afternoon,


As part of our commitment to keeping you informed, we’re pleased to share the January edition of our Neighbourhood Policing Newsletter.  To access the newsletter, please click this link - https://sway.cloud.microsoft/fTevJ8Qq5X3Hxuz8

Please note the link will open a digital newsletter using Microsoft Sway. You will not need to signup or create a Microsoft account to access. Alternatively, there is a PDF version attached below however, this lacks some of the formatting. 

Thank you for your continued support. If you have any concerns or requests, please reach out to your local Beat Team (officer details are within the newsletter.


Many Thanks,


Inspector Kylie Davies. 


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Message Sent By
Kylie Davies
(Nottinghamshire Police, Inspector, Mansfield)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials