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Community Engagement Sunday 12th January - 11am - 12 noon

Dear Resident,

Potters Bar and Shenley Neighbourhood Policing Team will be holding a Community Engagement Session as detailed below.


As part of our new local priorities, we will be focusing on burglaries in the local area. 

The local NPT team will be outside Tesco Express, Sunday 12th January 11am and 12 noon and invite you to come and visit us for advice on keeping your property safe. 


We are also keen to hear about any concerns you have regarding Anti Social Behaviour, crime or any other issues affecting you or our local community.



If you can't attend this event, we are still keen to hear about any concerns through this short survey:

Please click here to complete the survey


For online crime prevention advice visit Crime prevention advice | Hertfordshire Constabulary (herts.police.uk)



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Message Sent By
Cheryll Lavell
(Hertfordshire Constabulary, PCSO Supervisor, Hertsmere - Potters Bar & Shenley)

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