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South Leicester Police - Beat Priorities

Dear South Leicester Resident

You are receiving the following email as a resident living on the Freemen Police Beat.


Beat Priorities 

Based on data collated from the “your views” surveys, beat knowledge, local intelligence and problems that are repeatedly reported the following have been identified as issues that are affecting people within the community the most, anti-social behaviour (ASB) across the beat and tackling drug use/supply.

These will therefore form our beat priorities for the first quarter of the new year with the local team ensuring these issues are focused on, targeted and in course acted upon/dealt with, we will work closely with members of the local community and partner agencies to do so. 

More details on the beat priorities and how the local team intend to tackle them as below.


Priority 1 Drugs. 

We are aware that drugs have been a priority on the Saffron / Freemen beat for a while and this is going to continue. Officers have conducted several drugs warrants in relation to Clear, Hold, Build / Safer Saffron (CHB). We will continue to work hard to gain intelligence and bring offenders before the courts.

Priority 2 ASB.

You have told us that with that people causing a nuisance and general ASB is affecting the area you live in. Officers will be out and about patrolling hot spot locations and engaging with residents and local youths.

Priority 3 ASB/Knock a Door Run.

We have been made aware of ASB across the estate where young people are playing knock-door-run at houses. Officers are working to identify those involved and work with local schools and youth clubs to provide education around the issue.


Beat Surgery 

I will be at the Saffron Resource Centre on Wednesday 15th January 9:30am – 11:00am if you would like to discuss any of these issues with me face to face. I will also be happy to offer any crime prevention advice and assist you with any other policing or community matters. 


Kind regards. 

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Message Sent By
Spencer Clayton
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6188, South Leicester)

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