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Here is your quick round up from me and the rest of the Holbrooks neighbourhood policing team.

Dear Resident,
Here is your quick round up from me and the rest of the Holbrooks neighbourhood policing team.
What’s been happening?

This week has saw four prolific shoplifters stopped, arrested and dealt with for their shoplifting offences. At the start of the week two shoplifters were apprehended by officers who were at the store conducting enquiries. The males were not together but chose to come in and shoplift items at the time that police were in the store. The third male was arrested as part of a proactive arrest attempt which has been conducted to locate the male. The last male who is a prolific shoplifter was arrested after being found in an address by officers who were there for a different reason. The male who was one of Coventry’s most wanted offenders was arrested and appeared in court. The team completed a file for the male which was used in court and the male was jailed for three months. To prevent the male from further offending he was issued with a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) preventing from entering the areas he was offending in. 

Officers seized a vehicle from a male after they spotted the car parked up with a male sat inside in an area where reports have been received of suspicious behaviour. Officers spoke to the male who did not have a valid driving license however as they had not seen the vehicle being driven they were unable to pursue that. Further checks on the vehicle however showed that the vehicle had no tax and as the vehicle was parked on the public highway officers were able to seize the vehicle. 


Crime Figures

There was One reported vehicle offence in the past Nine Days on the Holbrooks Ward with a vehicle having been stolen on Sunningdale Road.

There was No reported burglary offence in the past Nine Days on the Holbrooks Ward. 


Get involved.
Streetwatch is a community patrol initiative that helps you make a difference where you live. Street watch gives you and your community an opportunity to keep your area safe, including just walking round your neighbourhood, which can really help. Local police keep in regular contact with street watch members to share information and work in partnership with you.
If you are interested in taking part in a Streetwatch within the Holbrooks area you can contact the Holbrook, Radford, Sherbourne

& Bablake team on holbrookandradford@westmidlands.police.uk

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Message Sent By
Alan Minten
(Police, PCSO, Holbrooks, Radford, Sherbourne & Bablake)

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