The Police
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Rogue Traders

I have recently received reports of potential Rogue Traders operating in the area of Eastry, Sandwich. 


I wish to remind residents of the following information and advice when approached by Rogue Traders: 

Doorstep fraudsters generally seek to carry out services that are either completely unnecessary or substandard. If cash is paid in advance, they will often leave without starting any work or they charge inflated or excessive prices for work carried out. Services offered will include cleaning driveways, gardening or roof and guttering repairs. 


We advise residents : 

Don't allow anyone to pressure you into agreeing to have work carried out. 

Please do not hand over any money, cheques, bank cards or bank details to anyone before work is carried out, and if the price seems too much or they change the price during or after work is carried out please contact police, action fraud or trading standards. 

Don't ever go to a bank or cash point with a trader; legitimate traders would never do this

If you ask them to leave and they don't, contact the police on 999. 

Ask for quotes in writing and check that the tradesperson is from the company they say they are from. Consider using reputable traders who are members of the KCC Trading Standards approved trader scheme , you can check this at www.tschecked.kent.gov.uk


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Message Sent By
Lauren Eyre-Jackson
(Kent Police, Police Constable, Dover Neighbourhood Beat Officer)

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