The Police
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Theft from motor vehicle - Upper Lighthorne

Please note, between 08:00 10/01/25 - 14:00 11/01/25, unknown suspect(s) have stolen front number plates from a white Mercedes parked on White Lias Way, Upper Lighthorne.


Anyone who witnessed this, has any information, or has CCTV footage of the offence or any suspicious activity in the area around the time of the offence is asked to please contact us via one of the below options, quoting crime reference number: 23/1467/25.

- Online at Report | Warwickshire Police

- By phone on 101

- Anonymously through CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111

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Message Sent By
Liam Allen
(Warwickshire Police, PCSO, Wellesbourne SNT)

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