The Police
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Don't risk your life by playing on frozen water

Children are being warned to stay away from frozen water following reports of youngsters playing on ice in Stoke-on-Trent. 


Kids have been attempting to walk on the ice in Burslem Park on Moorland Road, Tunstall park, Holden Lane pools Nature Reserve.


Thankfully, nobody fell through the ice at the locations, but police are warning of the danger of going onto frozen bodies of water. 


Frozen water tips:


- Don't wander to near the edge- icy or wet conditions could cause you to slip and fall in. 


- Don't be tempted to test the thickness of the ice: it's easy to slip from the bank and fall through into the freezing water. 


- Adults should set a good example by staying off ice themselves. 


- Dog owners should ensure they keep their pets on a leas so they are not at risk of falling in. 


For more advice on how to stay safe around frozen water, visit: Frozen waters (staffordshirefire.gov.uk)

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Message Sent By
Emily Clamp
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Stoke North)

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