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Domestic Abuse Support Services

End the Fear - Independent Choices Domestic Abuse service

Contact details
Telephone -  0800 254 0909 (Opening hours - 10am-4pm excluding bank holidays)
Website - domesticabusehelpline.co.uk

They can provide individuals in need with emotional support, practical information, and discuss any options that are available based on specific circumstances. Additionally, individuals can be signposted to other agencies and organisations who can help with more specific needs. They can also help in finding somewhere to stay in an emergency, such as refuge.


The Independent Domestic Violence Advice service

Contact details
Telephone - 0161 234 5393
Email - domestic.violence.team@manchester.gov.uk
Website - hsm.manchester.gov.uk/kb5/manchester/directory/service.page?id=BdFKo-ce0XQ

The Independent Domestic Violence Advice service gives professional advice, and housing related information and help to survivors of domestic abuse. The service can help women and men who may be in danger of repeat victimisation and who also at risk of homelessness. The service also helps people to consider their legal options and provides support through the civil and criminal justice system.

Those that work or live in Manchester are aged 16 or over and are affected by issues of domestic abuse. Self-referrals accepted.



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Message Sent By
Paul Egan
(Police, PCSO, LPT4/ COM/Hulme officer)

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