We have shown a presence on Common Lane at the end of the school day at Shirebrook Academy/Stubbin Wood school today due to becoming aware of issues of queues of vehicles blocking Common Lane for all road users. Whilst present there were no signs of dangerous driving and all the community were respectful. We are liaising with the school staff directly in trying to resolve this issue.
Can all parents/guardians who are collecting children from Shirebrook Academy please use the designated drop off point and specifically use the whole of this drop off lane, the issues are being caused by cars blocking the lane which then spills onto Common Lane. The police advice is that every vehicle drives as far up the drop off lane leaving space for further vehicles behind them and less vehicles stuck on Common Lane. If one car stops in the middle of the lane rather than the top it is blocking access for all others.
We are also aware of some confusion and frustration of certain vehicles being allowed into the main school gates whereas other vehicles are not allowed – Certain vehicles are allowed into the school to collect children from Stubbin Wood school who have their own separate drop off point/turning circle.
To make it clear, our presence is not your local SNT looking at prosecuting road users who are simply trying to collect their children. PC Jake Stone will look to attend the school again this week to ensure the safety of all road users and children, whilst working with the Shirebrook Community to help resolve this ongoing issue for everyone.
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