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End of Six - Weekly Update from the Dudley North Neighbourhood Policing Team

Dear Resident,


Here’s a quick round up from me and the rest of the Dudley North Neighbourhood Policing Team.


What’s been happening:


• Junior PCSO Sessions in Full Swing!

We are happy to have three ongoing Junior PCSO Programmes happening throughout the Dudley North area – Wallbrook Primary Academy, Hurst Hill Primary School, and (soon to be) St Chad’s Catholic Primary School. Lessons will include learning the phonetic alphabet, road safety, fire safety, calling 999 in an emergency, and much more! Thank you for all of these primary schools for participating!

• Increased Foot Patrols

In order to tackle anti-social behaviour, PCSOs are getting out on foot more to deter such behaviour and other criminal activity. Please feel free to speak with any of our PCSOs you may see on foot patrol – especially if there is any information that may be helpful to tackle unwanted activity. It is vital information that we are more than happy to receive!


A Big Thank You to… 

• Bramford Primary School and Sedgley Library for hosting our Police Surgeries so far this month! Your friendly accommodation for our sessions are greatly appreciated!


When reporting a crime, does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 now.


If you’ve witnessed or been the victim of crime that isn't an emergency, please report it to us by calling 101 or using our online form that can be found HERE.


Many thanks!


- PCSO Lowrie

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Message Sent By
Samantha Lowrie
(Police, Police Community Support Officer, Dudley North Team 2)

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