The Police
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Internet safety

Criminal gangs use private chats via gaming platforms and social media to reach out to young people, isolating them from their friends and family, and eventually manipulating them into couriering drugs for the gang.
Click to learn how to spot the signs of #CountyLines.


Mae gangiau troseddol yn defnyddio sgyrsiau preifat trwy lwyfannau hapchwarae a chyfryngau cymdeithasol i estyn allan at bobl ifanc, gan eu hynysu oddi wrth eu ffrindiau a'u teulu, ac yn y pen draw yn eu trin รข chyffuriau cludo ar gyfer y gang.
Cliciwch i ddysgu sut i adnabod arwyddion #CountyLines.

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Message Sent By
Christopher Morgan
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Aberkenfig NPT T1)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials