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Anti-social Behaviour

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) can be devastating for victims and communities.


PCSO Sadie has been on patrols around Weymouth & Portland this evening around our known ASB hotspots. Patrols have been completed around KFC at Jubilee Close due to increasing reports of ASB.


Being a victim of ASB can be extremely difficult, particularly when it is persistent.

We all have a right to feel safe where we live, and we all have a part to play.


For more information on what anti-social behaviour (ASB) is and what you can do about it by visiting: https://www.dorset.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/asb/asb/antisocial-behaviour/

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Message Sent By
Sadie Gould
(Dorset Police, PCSO, Weymouth and Portland)

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