The Police
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Damage to the King Charles III Community Orchard...


Good morning Resident,

The King Charles III Community Orchard, situated in Victoria Park, Newport, was planted as a lasting tribute to the Coronation of King Charles III and also in recognition of the towns strong volunteering network. Around 40 volunteers, from many of Newport's community groups, came together to plant fruit trees to the benefit of the local community.


Sadly, over the weekend of 10th to the 12th January 2025, all of the trees were damaged by vandalism, some quite significantly.

These photographs show the extent of this damageā€¦




Do you know who was involved in causing this damage? Even if you did not witness it yourself, you may have heard information within the local community.


Did you visit the orchard over the weekend and observed suspicious activity, or can you assist in narrowing the time frame of when this damage was caused?


Any information you provide will be treated in confidence, but will be vital in assisting us to identify those involved and take positive action with regards this senseless damage.


If you can provide any information in relation to this appeal, then please contact the Newport Safer Neighbourhood Team on the following email address: newport.snt@westmercia.police.uk


Kind regards,

PC Rich Edward,

Safer Neighbourhood Officer,

Newport Safer Neighbourhood Team


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Message Sent By
Rich Edward
(West Mercia Police, Constable, Newport)

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