The Police
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Park Run Coffee with a Cop. : Sat 18 Jan 09:00

Dear Resident,

PCSO 6411 BEESON from The Rickmansworth  Neighbourhood Policing Team will be holding a Coffee With a Cop Session at the Cafe In the Park, in the Aqaudrome between 09:00 - 11:00.


PCSO 6411 BEESON is  keen to hear about any concerns you have regarding Anti Social Behaviour, crime or any other issues affecting you or our local community.

PCSO 6411 BEESON, will also be focusing on providing advice around Violence Against Women's & Girls.


So if you are taking part in this weeks Park Run at the Aqaudrome, why not pot down and have a chat with PCSO 6411 BEESON after, or pop along to see your local PCSO.



If you can't attend this event, we are still keen to hear about any concerns through this short survey:

Please click here to complete the survey


For online crime prevention advice visit Crime prevention advice | Hertfordshire Constabulary (herts.police.uk)



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Message Sent By
Ryun Beeson
(Hertfordshire Constabulary, PCSO, Three Rivers - Rickmansworth)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials