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Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) - Fountain Street, Hyde

Good evening Hyde Godley,

We have received reports of anti-social behaviour on Fountain Street in Hyde. Residents have had youths kicking their front doors and then running away. While this may seem to some a harmless prank by children, to anyone suffering at the receiving end of ASB it can cause misery, disturbs sleep, anxiety, work and relationship issues – leaving victims feeling unsafe and afraid in their own homes. It can feel like you are living a nightmare.

We are asking parents/carers to speak their children to make them understand the effects on people anti-social behaviour can have. Further information can be found at Antisocial behaviour - Victim Support

If you witness any anti-social behaviour no matter how seemingly small, please report to us through www.gmp.police.uk or give information anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, or you can go through their website at Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers


The Hyde Godley Team. 


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Message Sent By
Andy Mantell
(Greater Manchester Police, Police Community Support Officer, Tameside South Neighbourhood Team - Hyde Godley Ward)

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