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Dedicated to arresting football car criminals

Dear Resident,


Ahead of the weekend’s football, we are committed to identifying and arresting those responsible for stripping parts from parked cars during matches.


We are listening to concerns from fans, and we have carried out operations around the Birmingham City ground to tackle this problem, with regular patrols by officers in uniform and plain clothes.


Over the last 18 months we’ve charged several people, including two who we believe are among the most prolific offenders in the area, and we will continue to gather intelligence to tackle this problem.


We know how incredibly frustrating and upsetting it can be when thieves steal parts from cars. As well as being inconvenient, we understand the effect it can have on victims’ livelihoods and their personal lives.


We are doing all we can to bring those involved in car cannibalism to justice. As well as patrols by our officers, we also regularly carry out warrants and enforcement action, targeting known vehicle crime hotspots.


If you do spot anyone acting suspiciously near vehicles, crouching down or wearing masks, call 999 immediately.


For more advice 👉 Keeping vehicles safe | Crime prevention | West Midlands Police

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Message Sent By
Billy Corrigan
(West Mids Police, Communications Manager, Corporate Communications)

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