The Police
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Burglary in your area.

Good afternoon Residents,


Recently, there has been a Burglary on Garstang Road, near to Watling Street Road/Lytham Road, approx 08:45-09:15hrs on16th Jan, where the offender gained access to the property via breaking a back window.


We are advising everyone to make sure their property is secure:

·  Close and lock your doors and windows, even if you are just in the garden🔑🔒

·  Hide all keys away from the letterbox and in a secure place

·  Draw the curtains when you go out, and leave valuables locked away

·  Keep an eye on your neighbour's property and encourage them to do the same for you

. Think about installing CCTV/Video doorbell, lighting.


We are actively trying to identify  the offender who is responsible. 

Please report any suspicious activity by calling 101 or online at LANCASHIRE.POLICE.UK 

In an emergency, always dial 999.



The Neighbourhood Team

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Message Sent By
Tammy Baldry
(Police, PCSO, Ribbleton Preston)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials