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South Leicester Police - Love Clean Streets.

Dear South Leicester Resident

You are receiving the following email as a resident living on the Freemen Police Beat.


Love Clean Streets 

Have you spotted an environmental issue such as fly tipping or graffiti in your local area or community?


If so, did you know that there is a free and simple way to report these issues so that the correct agency can fix, repair, or clear it away. 

Love Clean Streets allows you to report problems quickly and easily by taking a photo of the issue/problem, you then tag the location add some specific details if you wish and a report is logged with the correct agency to deal, you can report online or by downloading the Love Clean Streets App. You can also report other issues such as dog fouling, overgrown grass, problems in parks and open spaces and abandoned vehicles. For more information visit the link below which contains further details on how/what to report and how you can download the App.


Love Clean Streets


This is a tool I use a lot whilst out on foot patrol, it allows me to report issues quickly and helps keep the community safe and tidy. Anti-social behaviour (ASB) remains a priority for the Freemen policing team and ASB can take many forms, issues such as graffiti, fly tipping and abandoned cars all contribute and I try and get these problems cleared away before they cause any further issues or upset in the community.


Kind regards.

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Message Sent By
Spencer Clayton
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6188, South Leicester)

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