The Police
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Burbage Police. Motorbikes And Drug Activity.

Hello Resident,


Here is a short update for Burbage regarding crime and Police activity over recent days.


Reported Crime and Appeals


  • Several reports of drug activity around the Brookside area and Farm Road. We are increasing targeted patrols around these areas and completing work to identify those involved. 

  • Stolen bikes from Hinckley found in Burbage. There has been a couple of motorbike thefts not far from Burbage over recent days so please be mindful of this type of crime. We have made one arrest over the last few days in relation to some of the recent crime. 

  • Damage to a gate on Brookside. We have identified those involved and dealt with appropriately. This includes home visits and using the Anti-social Behaviour incremental approach. 

  • Damage to a fence on Atkins way which occurred on Saturday 18th into Sunday 19th. It appears the fence may have been hit by a vehicle. If you have any information on this, please pop me an email darren.stretton@leics.police.uk


    Patrols, Police Activity and local engagement


    It has been a busy few days completing a lot of work around recent youth related issues. We will often complete this type to support with investigations, complete safeguarding work, issuing Anti-social behaviour warnings and in trying to stop children getting involved in issues they should not be. A lot of this work often goes unseen, but it hopefully makes a difference to individuals and lowers reports to Police going forward. 


    As part of our work around road safety, we have delivered some road safety packs to local paper boys/girls in the area. These packs contain items such as bicycle lights and other items which will support during the dark nights. 

    Three Pots Post Office. Helping to support with Road Safety. 


    There are continued complaints around parking at school areas/times. We are addressing these complaints as much as we can and have meetings with schools booked in over the coming weeks. 


    Crime prevention and issues to be aware of


    Whilst there has been minimal reports of vehicle crime and residential burglary this month in Burbage, historic data shows that January and February can be an issue. Please remain vigilant around these types of crime and please get in touch if we can be of any support. Call 999 immediately if you see or suspect a crime to be in progress. 


    Thank you and take care. 


    The Burbage Beat Team


    It is really useful is you RATE, SHARE or PRINT this message. You can also REPLY directly to me if you wish to communicate with me. 


    Details in these messages are based on information we have at the time of writing. Details can change as investigations progress. We raise awareness around local concerns which may be of community concern where appropriate, in order to reduce crime, raise awareness and support investigations. 


    We need your help to keep our phone lines clear for emergencies. If your call isn't an emergency, see if the information or service you need is on our website  www.leics.police.uk.  before you call 101. You can use our website to report crimes or incidents at a time convenient for you.

    We urge you to call 999 in an emergency - if you or someone else are in immediate danger, or a crime is in progress.

    Please do not report crime or Incidents via 'Neighbourhood Link' as the messages are not always monitored.


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    Message Sent By
    Darren Stretton
    (Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6035, Hinckley and Blaby)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials