What’s happening in St Michaels Team 2 Our team has had an extremely successful week with numerous arrests of individuals whose current life vocation is shoplifting. -One male arrested in the City Centre and charged with 5 shop lifting offences. Another 2 males running out of Holland and Barrett failing to make payment didn’t expect officers to be outside conducting a Project Servator Patrol. After a short foot chase both males were arrested and charged. A male who had failed to appear in court was located and subsequently arrested and represent to court. We are also tackling as a neighbourhood team bikes/electric bikes being ridden at speed within pedestrian areas of the City Centre. Riding your bike in full pedestrian walkways is not permitted, it poses a risk/danger to pedestrians. These electric bikes can reach speeds between 20 to 28 mph, they are not designed to be used in crowded public areas and riders will be asked to dismount. We continue to deliver consistent Hi-Visibility patrols in high impact areas such as Far Gosford Street, Millennium Place, Lady Herbert Gardens and the Burgess with the purpose to deter/disperse the initial signs of ASB (anti-social behaviour). We continue to work closely with Coventry City Council enforcing appropriate Community Protection Warnings as consequences of any ASB behaviour. We are pleased to share our presence within the city provide ‘the right message’ and reassurance to citizens using Coventry City Centre.A warm welcome to PC Cambridge who has joined St Michael's Team 2. If you’re out and about in the City Centre stop and say hello. PC Cambridge is keen to meet and engage with our St Michael’s Neighbourhood Community. How you can help; Intelligence is keyIntelligence is anonymous Intelligence helps us protect and serve our communities Please visit our website to discover the best way for you to report concerns/crimes Live Chat | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk) #workingtogether #tacklingcrime #neighbourhoodpolicing |