I am one of the Cheshire Neighbourhood Watch Association (CNWA) volunteers who support Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators across Cheshire. Neighbourhood Watch is a grass-roots organisation run by its members in partnership with Cheshire Constabulary.
We note that are a member of a Neighbour Watch Scheme. Unfortunately, your scheme no longer has a coordinator. Due to your interest in Neighbourhood Watch would you consider volunteering to take over as the coordinator? If we are unable to find someone to take over as coordinator the scheme will no longer exist.
Becoming a coordinator has never been easier, or more rewarding. Neighbourhood Watch is about knowing your neighbours, being neighbourly and looking out for each other.
You will have access to lots of information to keep your neighbourhood safe, including crime prevention advice and community safety toolkits. You will be the main point of contact between your scheme members, your local policing team, and other local partners to receive and cascade information relevant to your scheme members. As a Coordinator you may wish to do more and arrange events and local activities for your members. This is dependent on how much time you have to dedicate to the role.
There is more information on our website www.cheshirenw.org.
The following link takes you to a page on that website https://cheshirenw.org/faqs-setting-up-a-scheme that answers any questions you may have and which provides additional information which you may find useful when setting up your scheme, including a flow diagram of the steps to be taken. You may find this useful when making your decision and setting up your scheme.
We are a volunteer run association and we do not keep strict hours but if you would like further support or guidance please do not hesitate to contact us via this email address, or speak to your local beat team.
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