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ATM & Bank Branch Distraction Crimes

Do you know who is stood near you when you use an ATM or withdraw cash at the bank? Do you withdraw large sums of money?


In 2024 over £400,000 was lost to ATM Distraction Thefts and Thefts following in branch withdrawals. The most common groups affected are the elderly and people that are visibly vulnerable. If this applies to anyone you know, share the information and protect their hard earned cash!


ATM distraction crimes are when the victim is targeted for cash or bank cards at ATM's. Suspects can work alone or in teams of up to 5 people. They will use different techniques to distract you, these include saying you have dropped money near the ATM, claiming the ATM is faulty, waving paper in front of the screen or shouting at you. Whilst you are distracted they will observe your PIN and steal your card or money. Others may use a card trap device which prevents your card or cash from being released. The suspect then steals the card or cash when you leave to report the fault


Thefts following in branch withdrawals are similar in nature, suspects will observe the victim withdrawing large sums of cash, they will monitor your movements before using a distraction technique like banging into you or wiping a substance on your belongings before pickpocketing you!


Don't be distracted whilst withdrawing money, look out for anything unusual/suspicious, be aware of your surroundings and people around you. Cover the PIN pad when you enter your PIN, secure your card and cash as soon as possible after using the ATM/Branch. 


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Message Sent By
sharon bryant
(GMP, Sgt, Manchester City Centre NBO Team)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials