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Airmyn Speeding concerns

During a police drop in surgery held on Wednesday 22nd January at Airmyn, it was brought to our attention that residents were concerned about speeding in the village and had asked if Safer Roads Humber could attend with the speeding enforcement van.  We have now had some data back which we wanted to share with the community as promised . The next surgery date will be on Monday 17th February between 17:00 and 18:00 hours at the village hall. 


As part of the Neighbourhood Policing Team's work we analyse what information is available to us and partner agencies when issues are brought to us by the community to best tailor responses and to bring in the relevant agencies in to assist, should we need to. Road safety issues in Airmyn has been brought to our attention.


 Lets take a look at what the figures are telling us... An analysis of High Street and Bridge Street was conducted, this data is taken from tubes which are installed across the carriageway for seven days and is used to analyse vehicle traffic and speeds. 


If the data shows, there is an issue with speeding then the council will look at how this can best be addressed: 


High Street: 


• All day average speed: 23.1mph 

• All day 85th percentile speed: 29.9mph (this is the speed that 85% of traffic drive at or below) 

• % over speed limit: 15% of vehicles (960 in a 24hr period. 

• % at or over NPCC enforcement threshold (35mph in a 30mph limit): 3% of vehicles (227 in a 24hr period) 


Bridge Street: 


• All day average speed: 25.7mph 

• All day 85th%ile speed: 34.2mph • % over speed limit: 30% of vehicles (1,941 in a 24hr period)

• % at or over NPCC enforcement threshold (35mph in a 30mph limit): 13% of vehicles (830 in a 24hr period)


 🛑An analysis of collisions in Airmyn concluded that between 01/01/2022 and 20/01/25 (a 37-month period) there were 2 injury collisions. One collision, in October 2022, where one vehicle went into the back of another while the first vehicle was giving way. The second collision, in 2023, was as a result of one driver of a vehicle suffering a medical episode and colliding with a stationary vehicle.


 Locations are scored and ranked by greatest risk/ need. Only those locations with the highest scores qualify for speed enforcement. Sites falling into lower tiers may receive other interventions from the Council such as reviewing the speed limit, improvement of signage and road markings, flashing signs, traffic calming etc. Currently, Airmyn does not qualify for a speed enforcement camera. 


🚨Have you heard of Humberside Police's Operation Snap?


 🚨 Did you know you can submit evidence of traffic offences straight to us from your DashCam? - Operation Snap is a secure online platform that allows you to submit video evidence of driving offences that you or other members of the public have witnessed. Its purpose is to improve road safety and to prosecute those that place others at risk. The service has been produced with the support of the Department for Transport. https://ow.ly/vUFe50UOJU5 The next police surgery in Airmyn will be held on Thursday 27th February at the Village Hall, pop down to talk to the local PCSO about any concerns you have. #NeighbourhoodPolicing #RoadSafety #OperationSnap



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Samantha Chandler
(Humberside Police, PCSO, Goole)

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