Hi Resident in case you weren't aware since the beginning of January Police “SNAP” or otherwise known as Priority Setting Meetings have changed ever so slightly for the future. The quarterly meetings with the public (normally face to face and occasionally online also) will continue as before but with some slight changes. Concerns which are ongoing or of a comparatively minor nature will be not raised as a priority but however will be dealt with by the respective Police Beat Manager as part of their ongoing workload. Anything of an exceptional or serious nature raised will be forwarded to the District board meetings and all such reports will be prioritised on a district basis. These District boards obviously contain Representatives from the Police but additionally will have representatives from partner agencies, Councillors, Local authorities etc. The objective being to have a level of independence to the decisions made on behalf of the the public. Fortunately Neighbourhood Watch has been granted access to these board meetings and therefore I and other Area Coordinators will have a seat at the table and can influence future Police activity. It is all very well being involved at the Board meeting but if we do not have members or Scheme Coordinators attending the local SNAP meetings then your local concerns are a mute voice if they are not being raised in the ideal forum. If you and your neighbours are having issues regarding anti-social behaviour, in the first instance report via Norfolk Police website “Report”, however if there are ongoing issues contact your local Police Beat Manager and then participate in the SNAP meetings to help influence Police activity and have your concerns addressed. If you want to find out when the next Community SNAP meeting is being held check out the Norfolk Police website for information list under “what is happening in your area”.
At the board meeting this evening the priorities agreed for each of the Police areas in West Norfolk (Kings Lynn, Hunstanton, Downham Market) were - Youth Anti-Social Behaviour Vehicle Anti-Social Behaviour These are in addition to any activity agreed by Beat managers at their local meetings.
If you have any questions about the revised SNAP meeting process or how you can play your part then by all means contact me on: 07773330107
I will be on leave from 1st - 17th February and so I will be out of touch during that period but outside of that period will be fine. | ||||
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