The Police
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Operation Snap

We want to make sure our roads are as safe as possible for all users. That's why we have Operation Snap (Op Snap) - and we need your help.

If you see anyone committing driving offences on our roads and it's captured on your dashcam, CCTV or a mobile phone by a passenger, we want you to send it in to us.

Offences might include:

  • dangerous driving

  • using a mobile phone while driving

  • not wearing a seatbelt

  • failing to stop at a red traffic light

  • using a trailer in lane three of a motorway

  • crossing solid white lines

  • other offences where a driver is clearly not in proper control of a vehicle

  • Every piece of footage sent to Op Snap is reviewed by specially-trained staff.

    If an offence is identified, the driver can be prosecuted or told to take a driver improvement course.

    Criteria for investigation

    In order for us to investigate any footage of incidents submitted by the public, it must meet certain criteria:

  • Your report must be submitted within 10 days of the alleged offence to allow us time to investigate. By law we can only serve a notice of intended prosecution to a registered keeper or owner of a motor vehicle within 14 days of an alleged offence.

  • The footage should include the whole incident, and, wherever possible, one minute prior to and after the offence. The footage should not be any longer than 10 minutes in duration.

  • If you are reporting an incident that involves a collision, please do not use this service. Instead, please call West Midlands Police on 101, select option 1 and provide details within 24 hours of the collision taking place.

  • Along with the footage, you would need to provide the following information:

  • Date and time of incident

  • Location of incident

  • Registration of vehicle

  • Make and colour of vehicle

  • Footage of the offence taking place

  • Details of what happened and how you were involved

  • You’ll also need to complete a statement and upload that with your footage. 

    If you would like an update on your submission you will need to provide an email address when completing our online form. 

    Updates will be via email and will consist of a positive or negative outcome.

    A positive outcome can include educational letters, courses, training, penalty points and/or fine and court attendance.  

    If there is any feedback for a negative outcome this will be outlined.

    Submit your footage

    Once you have submitted your report

    The footage and information you share may be used to support legal proceedings or other action to address bad driving.

    Decisions around what action is taken in relation to submitted footage is objective and not open to review once a decision has been reached due to the timescales involved in the law that surrounds the Road Traffic Act.

    It is very important that you do not post footage elsewhere prior to and while any action is being taken by the police or courts.

    This is Crown Prosecution Service advice. Failing to follow it could mean a case has to be dropped.

    Therefore, West Midlands Police may be unable to take further action in relation to footage that has already been posted elsewhere.

    Please also be aware that by posting footage that you be may showing personal information about yourself and other parties both involved in the incident.

    When the police use this footage they ensure that personal data is not breached in the process.

    Footage submitted through Op Snap may occasionally be used to support our road safety initiatives.

    In such cases, any personal or identifying details will not be shown and the anonymity of the person who provided the footage will be maintained at all times.

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    Message Sent By
    Simon Tonkinson
    (West Midlands Police, PCSO, WVTettenhall Wightwick, Regis Neighbourhood Team)

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