The Police
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Tonge Moor - Vehicle Crime Alert

Good Evening


We have received several reports of offenders walking around the area trying the doors of parked cars both on the street and on driveways in the Eldon Street area of Tonge Moor.  The offences  have occurred between 5am and 6am on 25/01/2025.

Offenders have simply tried the door handle and on finding the door locked have then walked off. 

We are not aware of any vehicle being entered nor of anything being stolen or damaged.

A single offender, accompanied by another person is believed to be responsible for the offences. The offender is believed to be a slim white individual wearing a hooded camouflage top and gloves. 

We urge all residents to remain alert and vigilant and to report any suspicious activity immediately on 101 or 999. We also urge all residents to ensure that vehicles are locked before going to bed, please consider getting into the habit of clicking “lock” on the remote as part of your bedtime locking-up routine.


It is also worth periodically physically checking that all locks on your vehicle are engaging and that all doors including the boot are locking when the car is locked as lock mechanism and motors do fail. 


Advice on keeping your vehicles safe can be found 
Keeping vehicles safe | Crime prevention | Greater Manchester Police


Officers will be out in the area increasing patrols at the key times. 


Kind regards

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