The Police
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Hare Coursing Operation 29/01/2025

Dear All,


Just to make you aware, tonight the Hungerford & Downlands Neighbourhood Team will be out along side our colleagues from the Rural Crime Task Force conducting targeted patrols for Hare Coursing.


Please don't be alarmed by the increase of police in the local area, we are here to proactively tackle this kind of criminality. However if you see anything suspicious or untoward in your area, please make sure to report via the usual channels.


999 - Emergency/Crime in progress

101 - Slow time report

WebForm - Make us aware of something that doesn't require urgent attendance


Many thanks

Hungerford & Downlands Neighbourhood Team  

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Message Sent By
Chris Marsh
(Thames Valley Police, Police Officer, Hungerford & Downlands)

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