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Should you call 999 or 101?

999 is a number that we all know, children from a young age are taught to call 999 if there is an emergency, but do you know when you should call 101 instead?


Every year we receive over 230,000 999 calls, this figure is increasing year on year.  A proportion of the calls received are not an emergency and are not appropriate for 999, this can prevent a genuine 999 call for help being answered in the appropriate time. 


📞 Advice for calling 999:


 - Call when it’s an emergency

 - A crime is in progress

 - Someone suspected of a crime is nearby

 - When there is danger to life

 - When violence is being used or threatened


☎️ 101 or 999?


Often when people panic they remember the 999 number and call it. We are here 24/7 365 days a year to help you, but if it’s identified as being a non-emergency you will be asked to ring 101.  We understand how upsetting a crime or anti-social incident might be, but please help us keep the 999 lines free for emergencies.


If you don’t need an emergency response, then you should call 101 or use our online reporting form on our website or contact us via our live chat facility which is 24/7  - Home | Staffordshire Police


This could be to report a crime that is not in progress, or has not just happened or to seek advice.


Alternatively you can also contact Crimestoppers - Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org) -  to pass information anonymously, but in an emergency always use 999.

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Message Sent By
Sarah Fordham
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Stone, Barlaston, Fulford, Meir Heath and Blythe Bridge)

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