Neges Ddwyieithog / Bilingual Message. Crime prevention message
Hi Resident
We have had a number of reports over the weekend of vehicle crime in the Gurnos area. We are currently in the process of conducting House to House and CCTV enquiries for reported incidents. We encourage individuals to report incidents of Vehicle Interference/Theft from vehicle to us.
Should you have any information in relation to these incidents such as providing CCTV or witnessing these incidents please contact us via 101 or contact us via our website Report a crime | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk).
Having your car broken into and losing your things to thieves can be very distressing. Here are a few simple steps you can take to keep your vehicle, and what’s in it, safe.
2. HIDE KEYS & FOBS - Keys and ignition fobs should be kept safe and out of sight and reach. A common way to steal a car is to take the keys or ignition fob, so never leave them in the car, even if it is unattended for a moment. When at home ensure that your keys or ignition fob are kept well away from windows or doors so that they cannot be seen by a potential thief, and never leave them close to the front door where they can be accessed through letterboxes.
3. LOCK DOORS & CLOSE WINDOWS! - Always lock and close the windows of your car when you leave it unattended – be this on the drive, the petrol station forecourt, when de-icing your car in the winter or when getting a ticket to park. An unlocked car is the easiest to steal or steal from.
4. FIT AN ALARM - If your car is not fitted with a manufacturers’ fitted alarm and/or immobiliser, consider installing an approved system. Most new cars come with an alarm fitted, you can find out more from the Thatcham Research Centre: www.thatcham.org
5. INSTALL A TRACKER - Tracker systems can increase the recovery of your car if it is stolen. Many systems activate once the car is stolen and track the car via GPS and other systems. SBD have several members which specialise in this area and can advise you on the best system and fitting of the product for your car type.
6. USE PHYSICAL SECURITY - Consider using physical security such as a steering wheel lock, wheelclamp or even a bollard or post on your drive to prevent removal of the car as modern car thieves prefer not to attack these types of physical security devices as they want to get away quickly without getting caught.
7. SECURE YOUR NUMBER PLATES - Fit theft-resistant number plate fittings. Stolen number plates are commonly used to hide the identity of stolen cars. Use one-way clutch head screws to secure number plates.
8. PARKING YOUR CAR AT HOME - Consider fitting a garage alarm. If you have a house alarm system, consider connecting it to the garage. Further information about alarms can be found on the Secured by Design Advice Webpage. Another option is to park your car on a drive. If your drive has gates, consider closing them at night or when you are not using your car. If you don’t have gates, a car bollard will provide an extra visible deterrent. One area that is often overlooked is the security of the garage doors. Unfortunately, many older garage doors are very easy to break-into so you should consider replacing them with an accredited Secured by Design product.
Please refer to our website for crime prevention advice: Crime prevention advice | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk)
Many thanks
Rydym wedi cael nifer o adroddiadau dros benwythnos troseddau cerbydau yn ardal Gurnos. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn y broses o gynnal ymholiadau o Dŷ i Dŷ a TCC ar gyfer troseddau y rhoddir gwybod amdanynt. Rydym yn annog unigolion i roi gwybod i ni am achosion o ymyrraeth cerbydau/dwyn o gerbyd.
Os oes gennych unrhyw wybodaeth mewn perthynas â'r digwyddiadau hyn megis darparu teledu cylch cyfyng neu weld y digwyddiadau hyn, cysylltwch â ni drwy 101 neu cysylltwch â ni drwy ein gwefan Rhoi gwybod am drosedd | Heddlu De Cymru (de-cymru.police.uk). Gall torri i mewn i'ch car a cholli'ch pethau i ladron fod yn drallodus iawn. Dyma ychydig o gamau syml y gallwch eu cymryd i gadw'ch cerbyd, a'r hyn sydd ynddo, yn ddiogel. 1. PEIDIWCH Â GADAEL PETHAU GWERTHFAWR I’W GWELD - Efallai bod hyn yn swnio’n amlwg ond mae gadael eitemau i’w gweld yn wahoddiad i’r troseddwr manteisgar – dylai ffonau symudol, satnavs a mowntiau, gwifrau trydan, arian, waledi, bagiau llaw, sbectol haul, cotiau, siacedi a bagiau gael eu tynnu o’r car ar bob adeg neu eu cuddio’n dda, allan o’r golwg.
2. CUDDIWCH ALLWEDDI A FOBS - Dylid cadw allweddi a ffobiau yn ddiogel ac allan o’r olwg a chyrraedd.Ffordd gyffredin o ddwyn car yw dwyn yr allweddi neu ffob, felly peidiwch byth âd’u gadael yn y car, hyd yn oed am eiliad. Pan fyddwch gartref,gwnewch yn siwr fod eich allweddi neu ffob yn cael eu cadw ymhell oddi wrth ffenestri neu ddrysau fel na all lleidr eu gweld, a pheidiwch byth â’u gadael yn agos at y drws ffrynt lle gellir mynd atynt drwy flychau llythyrau.
3. CLOWCH DRYSAU A FFENESTRI! - Clowch a chaewch ffenestri eich car bob amser pan fyddwch yn ei adael – boed hynny ar y dreif, wrth yr orsaf betrol, wrth ddadrewi eich car yn y gaeaf neu wrth fynd i gael tocyn parcio. Mae car heb ei gloi yn haws i’w ddwyn.
4. GOSODWCH LARWM - Os nad oes larwm wedi’i osod gan y gwneuthurwr a/neu ddyfais atal symud yn eich car, ystyriwch osod system wedi’i chymeradwyo. Mae larwm wedi’I osod ar y rhan fwyaf o geir newydd. Gallwch gael rhagor o wybodaeth gan Ganolfan Ymchwil Thatcham: www.thatcham.org
5. GOSODWCH DRACIWR - Gall systemau tracio wella’r tebygolrwydd y caiff eich car ei adfeddiannu os caiff ei ddwyn. Mae llawer o systemau’n actifadu unwaith y bydd y car wedi’I ddwyn ac yn olrhain y car trwy GPS a systemau eraill. Mae gan SBD sawl aelod sy’n arbenigo yn y maes hwn ac a all roi cyngor i chi ar y system orau a’r Ffordd orau o osod y cynnyrch ar gyfer y math o gar sydd gennych.
6. DEFNYDDIWCH DDIOGELWCH FFISEGOL - Ystyriwch ddefnyddio diogelwch corfforol fel clo olwyn llywio, clamp olwyn neu hyd yn oed folard neu bostyn ar eich dreif i atal neg rhag gallu symud y car gan fod yn well gan ladron ceir modern beidio ag ymosod ar y mathau hyn o ddyfeisiau diogelwch corfforol gan eu bod am ddianc yn gyflym heb gael eu dal.
7. DIOGELWCH EICH PLATIAU RHIF - Gosodwch ffitiadau plât rhif sy’n gwrthsefyll lladrad. Defnyddir plateau rhif wedi’u dwyn yn gyffredin i guddio hunaniaeth ceir sydd wedi’u dwyn. Defnyddiwch sgriwiau ’clutch head’ unffordd i sicrhau platiau rhif.
8. PARCIO EICH CAR GARTREF - Ystyriwch osod larwm garej. Os oes gennych system larwm tŷ, dylech ystyried ei chysylltu â’r garej. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am larymau i'w gweld ar y dudalen Secured by Design Advice Webpage. Opsiwn arall yw parcio eich car ar dreif. Os oes gatiau ar eich dreif, ystyriwch eu cau gyda’r nos neu pan nad ydych yn defnyddio’ch car. Os nad oes gennych giatiau, bydd bolard car yn darparu ataliad gweladwy ychwanegol. Un maes sy’n aml yn cael ei anwybyddu yw diogelwch drysau’r garej. Yn anffodus, mae llawer o ddrysau garej hŷn yn hawdd iawn i'w torri i mewn felly dylech ystyried eu disodli â chynnyrch achrededig Sicrhawyd trwy Ddylunio.
Cyfeiriwch at ein gwefan am gyngor atal troseddau: Cyngor atal troseddau | Heddlu De Cymru (south-wales.police.uk)
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