The Police
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Dealing with Anti Social Behavior

ASB (anti-social behavior) around Apley Castle has been a concern for local residents, with vehicles causing disturbances by parking inappropriately and occupants generating noise pollution, sometimes continuing into the early hours of the morning. The issues have included littering, which has negatively impacted the historic site and surrounding area.

In response to these problems, increased police patrols have been implemented in the vicinity. These enforcement measures have shown positive results, with a noticeable reduction in both anti-social behavior and littering. To reinforce this intervention, signage has been installed informing visitors that the area is under regular police surveillance. 

The police have committed to maintaining their presence in the area, which serves as both a deterrent to potential troublemakers and reassurance to local residents. The combined approach of visible policing and clear communication through signage appears to be effectively addressing the previous anti-social behavior issues at this location.

Stop searches have been carried out and one driver reported for no insurance


Hortonwood Nitrous Oxide use!

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as "laughing gas" or "nos," poses several serious health risks that many users may not fully understand:

Immediate dangers include:

  • Asphyxiation risk from lack of oxygen to the brain
  • Loss of consciousness and disorientation
  • Risk of falls and accidents due to dizziness
  • Sudden death can occur if too much is inhaled
  • Severe frostbite of mouth, throat, and vocal cords from the extreme cold of the gas when inhaled directly from cannisters
  • Long-term health risks:

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause serious nerve damage and paralysis
  • Memory loss and cognitive problems
  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Psychological dependence
  • Potential birth defects if used during pregnancy 

  • The patrols in Hortonwood are important not just for addressing littering issues, but also for public health and safety. The discarded cannisters indicate dangerous substance misuse in the area. Regular police presence can help deter this activity and allow for early intervention to prevent both environmental issues and potential medical emergencies.

    Would you like me to provide more specific information about any of these health impacts or the legal implications of nitrous oxide use?



    If you have any information please get in touch HL.SNT@westmercia.police.uk 

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    Message Sent By
    Robert Hughes
    (West Mercia Police, Safer Neighbourhood Officer, Hadley and Leegomery)

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