The Police
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30/1/25 - Drink driver caught, arrested & charged!

During the late evening of 30/1, traffic officers have stopped a vehicle in the village of South Cornelly, just outside Porthcawl. As a result of this stop, the driver was arrested for failing a roadside breath test. As a result of further tests, the driver blew 56/35 at the station. He has since been charged with the offence and will soon appear in court in relation to it.


Please share this message far and wide. Drink Driving is a very serious offence and will not be tolerated. If you have any information relating to any such offenders, please let us know by reporting either by 101 and the SWP website. Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or even just by giving me a shout on 07805 301506. Your assistance is vital, thank you. 

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Message Sent By
Richard Couch
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Pyle NPT T1)

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