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End of Six - Weekly Update from the Dudley North Neighbourhood Policing Team

Dear Resident,


Here’s a quick round up from me and the rest of the Dudley North Neighbourhood Policing Team.


What’s been happening:


• Visit to Nursery and Reception at Hurst Hill Primary

Our local neighbourhood PCSOs made an appearance at Hurst Hill Primary for both Nursery and Reception classes to talk about the role of the police. Both classes were very engaging with some great questions about our police vehicles and what we liked about the job the most!

• Online Safety Talks at Roberts Primary School

PCSOs visited Roberts Primary School to deliver a talk about Online Safety, which covered statistics of internet use, criminal offences that can come from poor online behaviour, how to keep oneself safe on the internet and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).


A Big Thank You to… 

• All of the schools that have accommodated us this past set of shifts! Ranging from Junior PCSO Sessions to working with our local neighbourhood team to tackle the anti-social behaviour in problem areas. Your support is immense!


Look out for…

• Police surgeries and upcoming meetings can be found at the link below from the Dudley North Neighbourhood Police Team:



When reporting a crime, does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 now.


If you’ve witnessed or been the victim of crime that isn't an emergency, please report it to us by calling 101 or using our online form that can be found HERE.


Many thanks!


- PCSO Lowrie

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Message Sent By
Samantha Lowrie
(Police, Police Community Support Officer, Dudley North Team 2)

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