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Abbey Ward Beat Team January Newsletter

Good morning Abbey Ward,

Please see the January 2025 Beat Newsletter; this is also available as a hard copy if you so wish or have a place in the community that could be displayed for others to see.

As you can see we have been a little busy in the first month of the year with looking at the priorities you have set us. We have made major efforts to concentrate on these and we are constantly chipping away at them.

So far we have arrested multiple people that are causing harm in the community, both through theft and drug supply and we are continuing to round up more and place before the Courts.

Keep a watch on our Facebook page for our weekly video blog regarding updates regarding our work and that of our Response colleagues and look on our dedicated Abbey Ward page on the Leicestershire Police webpage regarding future events.

Abbey Beat Team





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Barry Harteveld
(Leicestershire Police, PC 2648, West Leicester)

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